Experts say that it is a disease of modern society and it appears because of stress, bad living habits, polluted environment, and also from the fact that couples are deciding to have kids later.
The incidence of infertility also depends on the age too, for those between 20 and 24 years is around seven percent. From 30 to 35 years, that percentage is growing and is 15 percent, while between 40 and 43 years up to 35 percent. Unknown cause of infertility occurs in 14 percent of cases.
Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy after one year of living together. For older couples, this period is shorter and is six months. Then it is necessary for couple to ask for help from specialized medical institution or the professionals who deal with this problem
Causes of infertility affects both men and women equally. In about 35 percent problem is in women and at the same proportion are men. That is why it is suggested that both partners go through check ups.
Text: S. Todorović
Translator: V. Comagic
Image: courtesy of dream designs at, courtesy of marin at, courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
The incidence of infertility also depends on the age too, for those between 20 and 24 years is around seven percent. From 30 to 35 years, that percentage is growing and is 15 percent, while between 40 and 43 years up to 35 percent. Unknown cause of infertility occurs in 14 percent of cases.
Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy after one year of living together. For older couples, this period is shorter and is six months. Then it is necessary for couple to ask for help from specialized medical institution or the professionals who deal with this problem
Causes of infertility affects both men and women equally. In about 35 percent problem is in women and at the same proportion are men. That is why it is suggested that both partners go through check ups.
The disorder of spermatogenesis
It is manifested in a reduction number of spermatozoa, motility, disorder or morphology or there are no spermatozoids in the ejaculate.Immunological factors
Autoantibodies can be found after a viral infection or surgery in the area of testicles as a result of damage to the the blood-testicular barrier.Varicocele
Causes infertility by increasing the temperature of the testes.Inflammation of the testicles
It usually develops as a complication of mumps. The consequences are a small number or total absence of spermatozoids .Hormonal disorders
The disorder of thyroid function, then the pancreas or diabetes affect infertility.
The malfunction of the fallopian tubes
Passable fallopian tubes are necessary fso sperm could come to the egg and after fertilization for embryo to reache the uterus. The most common causes of functional disorders are endometriosis, infection caused by sexually transmitted diseases, previous surgery in the abdomen and pelvis and previous ectopic pregnancy.Disorder of ovarian function (anovulation)
The state in which there is a disorder or imbalance in the creation of ovarian hormones, cause disorder in the menstrual cycle or affects the ability to conceive or maintain a pregnancy. One of the most common hormonal disorders of women of reproductive age.Polycystic ovary syndrome
Is manifested through a group of signs and symptoms that may occur in various combinations. The exact cause is unknown. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome may prolonged menstrual period, absence of menstruation, elevated levels of male hormones.Endometriosis and adenomyosis
It occurs when the normal tissue of the endometrium (internal lining of the uterus) begins to grow outside the uterus. More serious forms of endometriosis are often found in infertile women who have postponed pregnancy, and this is why this condition is called disease of a career woman.Disorder of the uterus (fibroids)
Myoma is formed by proliferation of modified smooth muscle cells. The essential role of of inheritance genetic factors. Every third woman after the age of 35 has myoma.Hormonal disorders
Can slow or completely prevent the maturation and release of the egg cell. Symptoms that may indicate the existence of hormonal disorders are unexpected gain or loss in body weight, constant fatigue, excessive hairiness, hair loss, the appearance of acne, pain in the pelvis due to the existence of cysts on the ovary.Text: S. Todorović
Translator: V. Comagic
Image: courtesy of dream designs at, courtesy of marin at, courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
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