Anemia can be a very serious condition that can significantly affect your life.
Anemia is a condition in which there is a lack of red blood cells. Reduced number of erythrocytes contains less hemoglobin, which is why the delivery of oxygen to organs such as the brain, heart, muscles is decreased. Because of this when you are anemic you feel mental and physical weakness. When the red cell count is decreased, heart works faster in an attempt reimburse the deficiency of oxygen in the blood poor with erythrocytes.
As the symptoms can be easily mistaken with symptoms that occur in other diseases, it is important to see the doctor especially if there is a feeling of intense weakness and some of the other symptoms listed.
Anemia is a condition in which values of Hb and Hct are below normal which causes the above-mentioned symptoms.
problems as a result of an attempt to improve the delivery of oxygen to tissues. Anemia can aggravate mental processes. When your brain is not getting enough oxygen, you will have difficulties learning, memorizing and later even to writing, reading or performing everyday tasks. Anemia could seriously and permanently disrupt your health if it lasts long or symptoms are getting worse.
Approaches to treatment vary and depend on the type and the causes of anemia. Therefore, after the confirming that you have anemia, it is very important to discover what cause it. It can be done only with the help of a doctor who will determine treatment strategies such as changing eating habits or taking medicines. Author of this article does not recommend beginning of treatment on your own and without the control of the doctor.
Translator: Vladimir Comagic, MD
Image:courtesy of renjith krishnan, stockimages and Praisaeng at
How anemia affects the body?
Blood consists of three types of cells (red blood cells - erythrocytes, white blood cells - leukocytes and platelets - thrombocytes) that circulate in our bloodstream. Erythrocytes containing the red, iron-rich protein - hemoglobin (Hb), which carries oxygen from lungs to all muscles and organs in our body. Normal life and functioning is impossible without oxygen.Anemia is a condition in which there is a lack of red blood cells. Reduced number of erythrocytes contains less hemoglobin, which is why the delivery of oxygen to organs such as the brain, heart, muscles is decreased. Because of this when you are anemic you feel mental and physical weakness. When the red cell count is decreased, heart works faster in an attempt reimburse the deficiency of oxygen in the blood poor with erythrocytes.
What causes anemia
Possible causes of anemia include:- Blood loss - Numerous diseases (kidney, joints, blood-forming organs ....)
- Adverse effects of drugs
- Inadequate nutrition: vitamin deficiencies and iron.
Symptoms of anemia
Anemia is sometimes difficult to detect because early symptoms are very mild. It can easily be misdiagnosed as some other health problem. Anemia can weaken you to such an extent that you don't have energy for the most basic household activities. It worsens symptoms caused by other diseases like sleepiness, weakness, fatigue and other symptoms which become very expressed. Symptoms of anemia include the following:- Fatigue - sleepiness
- Weakness - easily become tired
- Dizziness and insecurity
- The paleness of the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, gums, conjunctiva, nails and palms
- Rapid heart beat - tachycardia
- The feeling of coldness-especially in hands and feet
- Sadness and depression
- The decrease in sexual urge
- Sleep disorders and loss of appetite

As the symptoms can be easily mistaken with symptoms that occur in other diseases, it is important to see the doctor especially if there is a feeling of intense weakness and some of the other symptoms listed.
Doctors determined the existence of anemia through conversation with the patient about his problems (history), examination of the patient and making the blood tests. Blood test is now done using apparatus that provide information about erythrocytes (RBC), leukocytes (WBC) and platelet (PLT). For better understanding we will explain the most important abbreviations:- RBC - represents the number of red blood cells
- Hb - hemoglobin located in erythrocytes and participates in the transfer of Oxygen.
- Hct - hematocrit , the percentage of red blood cells in the blood.
- MCV - Mean Cell Volume
- MCH - Mean Cell Hemoglobin
- MCHC Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration
- RDW - Red cell Distribution Width
Anemia is a condition in which values of Hb and Hct are below normal which causes the above-mentioned symptoms.
Anemia treatment
If anemia is not treated on time, your body can be so weak that needs urgent blood transfusions to recover. In addition, the low value of erythrocytes can lead to additional health problems: Anemia can lead to overload of your heart and the appearance of heartproblems as a result of an attempt to improve the delivery of oxygen to tissues. Anemia can aggravate mental processes. When your brain is not getting enough oxygen, you will have difficulties learning, memorizing and later even to writing, reading or performing everyday tasks. Anemia could seriously and permanently disrupt your health if it lasts long or symptoms are getting worse.
Approaches to treatment vary and depend on the type and the causes of anemia. Therefore, after the confirming that you have anemia, it is very important to discover what cause it. It can be done only with the help of a doctor who will determine treatment strategies such as changing eating habits or taking medicines. Author of this article does not recommend beginning of treatment on your own and without the control of the doctor.
Translator: Vladimir Comagic, MD
Image:courtesy of renjith krishnan, stockimages and Praisaeng at
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