Breastfeeding is a gift of nature which stimulates baby’s intellectual
growth, emotionally connects mother and baby, and settes healthy foundations
for entire life. According to the latest researches it has long-term positive effect
on mental health in adult age. Breastfeeding is ultimate experience that stimulates
oxytocin secretion causing increased pleasure, tenderness and attachment
Strong emotional connection between mother and baby begins in
pregnancy and continues with breastfeeding after birth. First two or three days
after delivery woman lactates so-called first milk (colostrum) which contains
all ingredients and antibodies needed for growth and development. Breastfeeding
is not just important for its nutrition’s and antibodies but also for emotional and cognitive development of the
baby. In this way the closeness between mother and baby increases, mother is
emotionally fulfilled and satisfied, baby cries less, feels relaxed, and it is
good when baby has cramps. Further many international studies indicates the relationship
between breastfeeding and greater scores on the intelligence tests.
Numerous studies talk about connection between breastfeeding
and mental health in adult age. One is an Australian research where more than
2000 children were longitudinally monitored (intersection at 2, 6, 8, 10, 14
years). Over 50% of mothers were breastfeeding their kids longer than 6 months.
Mothers that were breastfeeding less (or didn’t at all) were younger, less
educated, from lower social class, have smoked in pregnancy, were under bigger
stress and more frequently with postpartum depression.
Children who are not breastfed (or for short time), had
worse mental health in adolescence, especially in terms of negative emotions, whether
oriented towards themselves (depression, anxiety) or out of them (aggression). This correlation was not reduced even when
other factors were taken in consideration (socio-economical, psychological
Babies are prepared for breastfeeding from the moment they are born, for example their eyesight is sharpest at around 20cm, which is the destination between mothers and babies eyes during breastfeeding. Just a few days old baby recognizes milk from her mother compared with others. The more the baby is sucking, the more milk you have. Even if mother gets sick the milk maintains its structure, which helps baby build up its immune system. Breastfeeding in combination with soft looks, nearness, warmth, kind words and smiling reduces stress in babies, relaxes them, setting foundations for positive view of the world. Such experience sets of healthy foundations for life.

Among all mammals (humans belong there too) Mother Nature organized that each milk, by structure, is adapted to its youngling, which is the case with breast milk too. Breast milk (not from other species) suits baby’s needs in the earliest age. It is important for every mother, before delivery, to arm herself with knowledge and persistence when it comes to one of the most important tasks, and that is breastfeeding. The right time for learning is during pregnancy because after delivery you will be sleepy, have lots of obligations and everything will be new to you, and all of this makes woman suggestible and insecure in her own knowledge. If you are insecure and don’t know, than you will believe “the experienced ones” which says “baby is crying because it is hungry”, and you need to to bottle feed it whic is absolutely incorrect The important thing to remember is that baby is going by the path of less resistance, it is easier for her to get something without much effort (such as milk through bottle), than to try to suckle and by doing so stimulate lactation.
For centuries this was the most natural thing and with the appearance of adapted milk breastfeeding is viewed as “prolonged” and excessive. If “prolonged” breastfeeding is bed for baby Mother Nature would make sure that it is gone after just few months, but that is not the case. UNICEF recommends it until your baby is two years old. Breastfeeding is easier with family support, proper nutrition of mother (there is no place for diet), as well as with achievements of the new age (breast milk pumps, pillows for nursing).
During pregnancy and the period of lactation mother needs to
get enough folic acid, which can prevent unwanted outcome of pregnancy, and DHA
(mega-3 fatty acid) which contributes to the development of the baby’s brain
and vision. The most important thing is mother to be self-confident. If you are
self-confident you will not be depressed because a few pound more after
delivery, you must remember that is more important to breastfeed than to be
admired how quickly you recover the “old” line. DON’T GET THIS MOST INPORTANT
Text: Jasna Bulajić-Stepanović
Translator: MD Vladimir Comagic
Image: courtesy of Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot at
Image: courtesy of Jomphong at
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