Author: V.Comagic, Text:, Image:
The seventeenth week of pregnancy is part of the period when it is important to take care primarily about yourself, rest whenever you can and, if allowed - do light exercises. Because in this period vaginal secretions is profuse and white, it is recommended to wear pantyliner. This is completely normal, only thing that important is that there are no traces of blood. Do not use tampons during pregnancy.
On the other side, presence of itching or tingling is a sign of probable vaginal infection or STD, if that is the case you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor in order to get the right therapy.
Your skin stretches, and therefore your breast and belly can be itchy sometimes. Rounded bally affect the change in body position, and you will feel back pain. In the abdominal cavity there are less and less place, so it sometimes cause heartburn, indigestion and bloating. You'll still experience often mood changing because the hormones of pregnancy are influencing your feelings.
Stretch marks: Will you have stretch marks or not, primarily depends on genetics. In pharmacies there are special creams or pills with vitamin E that can prevent the development of stretch marks, although many experts believe that it depends solely on hereditary factors.
Weight gain: You can expect to gain weight between 26 and 40 pounds during pregnancy. As much as this causes concern for many women, this pounds are essential for fetal growth. A good part of those pounds goes on excess fluid (eg blood), tissue augmentation (breast) and, of course, the baby. If you eat normal and healthy food, a large number of this pounds will be lost immediately after birth. For some women getting the old weight is easier, and they do it in a few weeks, but for others it is a longer process that can take up to a year.
The dark line (linea nigra): How when your muscles of abdominal wall are stretched to make room for the uterus which is growing every day, you will notice a dark line that extends from the umbilicus till the pubic hair. Don't be scared, this is normal. After the delivery, the line will be disappear.
Swelling (edema): Your body retains water to ensure enough fluid for the baby. Swelling can be prevented by drinking enough water and keeping your feet elevated whenever you are able to do so. Specially designed compression stockings or leggings, which are both designed to improve circulation in the legs.
Gestational freckles: Maternity freckles occur mainly on the face and called chloasma. You will notice the pronounced pigmentation in other parts of the body, for instance you will notice that the circle around the nipple (areola) is darker than before, you will also notice darker central line of the abdomen (linea nigra). Not uncommon are tiny red nevus made up of very thin lines that look like spider legs, which are developing by bursting of the capillaries of the skin. Those pigmentation will disappear as soon as you give birth.
In this stage baby's cartilage are turning into bones, this process is called ossification and on the top of the fingers cheekbones are slowly developing. Your baby will soon gain fat layers. Both eyes are finally directed forward and if you wear boys, their prostate is beginning to develop. The skin of the fetus and is still transparent.
During this period the baby is developing ears and it becomes sensitive to sounds. And there is a lot going on! The baby was already used to your heart beats, gurgling of the blood through your vessels and rumbling in your stomach. He/She hears the sounds from the outside, your voice and music. Scientists are not sure whether the baby recognizes your voice over other sounds from outside.
Cuddling stomach calms your baby, makes her feel safe and protected. Although baby can hear sounds, the baby will not understand them, surely gentle music will please her. You can sing to him/her.
Size of the Baby : This week, your baby is about 5 inches long and weighs an average of 4.5 oz.

Ultrasound examinations are preforming to check for any abnormalities or birth defects. While doing ultrasound and checking whether everything is all right, the doctor can sometimes determine the sex of your baby's in 16 or 17 weeks of pregnancy (however, the best period for determining the sex is between 18 and 26 weeks). If you want to find out the sex of the baby, keep in mind that babies are not always ready to cooperate. Many times they are turned in that way that the doctor can not see the genitals.

On the other side, presence of itching or tingling is a sign of probable vaginal infection or STD, if that is the case you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor in order to get the right therapy.
What happens to your body
The uterus at this stage of pregnancy is changing and getting the egg shape. Taking more and more space in pelvis and abdomen pushing the intestines and organs to the side. The stomach is already noticeable.Your skin stretches, and therefore your breast and belly can be itchy sometimes. Rounded bally affect the change in body position, and you will feel back pain. In the abdominal cavity there are less and less place, so it sometimes cause heartburn, indigestion and bloating. You'll still experience often mood changing because the hormones of pregnancy are influencing your feelings.
Unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy
Bleeding gums: Blood volume is drastically increased in order to provide all the necessary nutrients for your baby. Therefore, and also due to the swelling, caused by the hormones of pregnancy, your gums can bleed.Stretch marks: Will you have stretch marks or not, primarily depends on genetics. In pharmacies there are special creams or pills with vitamin E that can prevent the development of stretch marks, although many experts believe that it depends solely on hereditary factors.
Weight gain: You can expect to gain weight between 26 and 40 pounds during pregnancy. As much as this causes concern for many women, this pounds are essential for fetal growth. A good part of those pounds goes on excess fluid (eg blood), tissue augmentation (breast) and, of course, the baby. If you eat normal and healthy food, a large number of this pounds will be lost immediately after birth. For some women getting the old weight is easier, and they do it in a few weeks, but for others it is a longer process that can take up to a year.

Gestational freckles: Maternity freckles occur mainly on the face and called chloasma. You will notice the pronounced pigmentation in other parts of the body, for instance you will notice that the circle around the nipple (areola) is darker than before, you will also notice darker central line of the abdomen (linea nigra). Not uncommon are tiny red nevus made up of very thin lines that look like spider legs, which are developing by bursting of the capillaries of the skin. Those pigmentation will disappear as soon as you give birth.
All About Your Baby
The baby now has a lot of space available for moving and being active. In the coming weeks you will feel the baby's movements more frequent and intense.In this stage baby's cartilage are turning into bones, this process is called ossification and on the top of the fingers cheekbones are slowly developing. Your baby will soon gain fat layers. Both eyes are finally directed forward and if you wear boys, their prostate is beginning to develop. The skin of the fetus and is still transparent.
During this period the baby is developing ears and it becomes sensitive to sounds. And there is a lot going on! The baby was already used to your heart beats, gurgling of the blood through your vessels and rumbling in your stomach. He/She hears the sounds from the outside, your voice and music. Scientists are not sure whether the baby recognizes your voice over other sounds from outside.
Cuddling stomach calms your baby, makes her feel safe and protected. Although baby can hear sounds, the baby will not understand them, surely gentle music will please her. You can sing to him/her.
Size of the Baby : This week, your baby is about 5 inches long and weighs an average of 4.5 oz.

Food and Weight in the 17th week of pregnancy
From 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is common for pregnant women to gain from 4 to 7 pounds. In the second trimester increase of body weight is about 25 percent of the total weight gain in pregnancy. As the period of rapid weight gain is coming, now is the right time, to start eating healthy. Fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of water with a lot of fibers, can prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids. Get rid of coffee and soft drinks, if not reduce them to a reasonable measures. Rapid weight gain can cause stretch marks and overeating with food especially with fatty meals will not be good for the baby.Frequently asked questions about pregnancy
When can I find the gender of my baby? Can the doctor make a mistake about gender?Ultrasound examinations are preforming to check for any abnormalities or birth defects. While doing ultrasound and checking whether everything is all right, the doctor can sometimes determine the sex of your baby's in 16 or 17 weeks of pregnancy (however, the best period for determining the sex is between 18 and 26 weeks). If you want to find out the sex of the baby, keep in mind that babies are not always ready to cooperate. Many times they are turned in that way that the doctor can not see the genitals.
On one of the ultrasound examinations during this period the doctor will measure head circumference, femur length, diameter of the stomach and the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. It is not recommended to do ultrasound examination only to determine the sex of a the baby because it is not yet determined whether ultrasounds are harmful or not, so we need to be careful and limit your exposure to ultrasonic waves to a minimum.
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