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You often change the mood? One minute you're in Heaven, and the very next you are depressed. Such behavior is perfectly normal whan you are pregnant.
Feeling tired? Many pregnant women, for the first few months of pregnancy, are so exhausted that can barely hold their eyes open. Try to go to bad early in the evening and take a nap during the day as often as you can. Furthermore, at this stage you should leave most of the housework for other to do. Keep in mind that your body is working hard. You are carrying another human being!
What happens to your body
Make sure you stay in shape. Now that you belly is slowly beginning to notes, you are wondering how to prevent excessive cultivation and what exercises are allowed for you to do. The answer is different for every woman, but primarily you need to listen to your body's needs and try not to overwork, because exercise will only help ypu if you can enjoy them.Here are a few of these exercises:
To relieve stress: you are probably occupied with a number of concerns, from pleasant ones like choosing names for the baby to a little more serious, such as finding a doctor who will keep your pregnancy. Take a walk or go for a swim! These are activities that will significantly reduce stress.For a better mood: exercise will not only eliminate stress, but will make you feel better. While you exercise, your body secretes endorphins, hormones which creates a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.
For stronger muscles: Considering that your body changes you inevitably you will feel pain. Exercises can strengthen your muscles and relieve some of the pain caused by pregnancy. Keep in mind that strong muscles will be of great help at birth. Before you decide to become physicaly activie, consult your gynecologist. He will tell you what you can and can not do. He may recommend special exercises for pregnant women at your home or a nearby health clinic.
All about your baby
Tenth week is a kind of turning point for your baby. All cells in the baby's body are in place: the brain tissue develops rapidly, muscles are forming, fingers and toes are completely defined. Your baby now less and less resembles the embryo, and more on miniature infant.How big is baby?
This week your baby is about 35 millimeters long and weighs about five grams.Multiple pregnancy
Contrary to popular belief, women who are waiting twins do not have to go to the doctor more often, at least not at the beginning, than those mother who are waiting one baby. So, until about week 24 of pregnancy, most women with "normal" twin pregnancy are going to controls as if expecting one child. After week 24 it is more likely that you will have to visit a doctor more often to be sure that there is no premature opening of the cervix.Visits to your gynecologist will become more frequent from about week 32 and are on every second week, starting from the 36th they will be every week. If you crry twins, this frequent visits are starting a little earlier. It depends from case to case, About this doctor is deciding based on number of factors, like how fast baby is growing, or if the woman has any complications. Except from more frquent visits you also have more often ultrasound examinations. The aim is to follow the growth of the baby and to monitor amniotic fluid inside the uterus.
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