Author: V.Comagic, Text:, Image:
Your clothes are a bit tight? You are clumsy and forgetful? These are all normal symptoms when you are 15 week pregnant.
The uterus is in the middle between the pubic bone and the navel. Occasionally it can happen that you feel contractions. They are painless, occurring without any order, and are considered to be as a part of preparation of your body for the big event. If there are more than five of them per hour, repeating at regular intervals or are accompanied by strong cramps and back pain, you need to call your doctor.
You've dropped something, again? Trip ? Forget something that you've always known earlier - Let's say, "What's the date?" You are suffering from something that is quite common in your condition - and it is called absent minded. Although there is no research to support this theory, the fact is that some changes in your body contribute your sudden mental clumsiness.
Your center of gravity is changing: The first and main reason for your clumsiness is obvious - you are becoming larger. As your belly grows outward, the center of gravity is changing. After you have been walking perfectly normal , your body must now constantly try to keep you in an upright position, so it is not surprising that the tripping.
Although the baby is well protected in the stomach, any fall would not be good. So chose your footwear wisely - instead of high heels rather chose sneakers or ballet slippers. Go gently down the stairs and take care of what you do: You would not want to spill something hot on you.
Fluid retention: You are clumsy because you are retaining water - your fingers are swollen, so it is difficult to hold things.
Loose Joints: In order that your body to accept growing of the baby, your skin, muscles and joints are stretching and loosening. This change is caused by pregnancy hormones, they are called relaxin. Therefore, you should have in mind that your muscles are not as tight and hard as before pregnancy.
Fatigue: For everyone it is difficult to do normal tasks when tired. During pregnancy you are exposed to great amount of stress, and you don't have time to rest due to obligations you have. And that is what you really need, so it is nothing surprising that you're constantly tired, and therefore clumsy.
At this stage, you will feel the happiest symptom of pregnancy: Moving of your baby!
Your baby has reached the size of a small apple or orange. Bones are becoming longer and, although looking like a real baby, it's skin is still thin and transparent, so her veins can be seen. The hair called LANUGO is beginnings to grow. They are growing up until the 28 week pregnant.
Your clothes are a bit tight? You are clumsy and forgetful? These are all normal symptoms when you are 15 week pregnant.
The uterus is in the middle between the pubic bone and the navel. Occasionally it can happen that you feel contractions. They are painless, occurring without any order, and are considered to be as a part of preparation of your body for the big event. If there are more than five of them per hour, repeating at regular intervals or are accompanied by strong cramps and back pain, you need to call your doctor.
What happens to your body
Finally you look like a real pregnant woman! How the bally is increasing your internal organs are moving to make room for the baby. This means that you can not have large meals yet several smaller and more frequent in order to satisfy the hunger. You may have heartburn, indigestion and bloating. Also, I are still often going to the toilet. It may also happen that you are retaining some water and have oedemas(get little swollen).You've dropped something, again? Trip ? Forget something that you've always known earlier - Let's say, "What's the date?" You are suffering from something that is quite common in your condition - and it is called absent minded. Although there is no research to support this theory, the fact is that some changes in your body contribute your sudden mental clumsiness.
Your center of gravity is changing: The first and main reason for your clumsiness is obvious - you are becoming larger. As your belly grows outward, the center of gravity is changing. After you have been walking perfectly normal , your body must now constantly try to keep you in an upright position, so it is not surprising that the tripping.
Although the baby is well protected in the stomach, any fall would not be good. So chose your footwear wisely - instead of high heels rather chose sneakers or ballet slippers. Go gently down the stairs and take care of what you do: You would not want to spill something hot on you.
Fluid retention: You are clumsy because you are retaining water - your fingers are swollen, so it is difficult to hold things.
Loose Joints: In order that your body to accept growing of the baby, your skin, muscles and joints are stretching and loosening. This change is caused by pregnancy hormones, they are called relaxin. Therefore, you should have in mind that your muscles are not as tight and hard as before pregnancy.
Fatigue: For everyone it is difficult to do normal tasks when tired. During pregnancy you are exposed to great amount of stress, and you don't have time to rest due to obligations you have. And that is what you really need, so it is nothing surprising that you're constantly tired, and therefore clumsy.
At this stage, you will feel the happiest symptom of pregnancy: Moving of your baby!
All about your baby
In 15 week pregnant your baby stretches limbs and is bending his elbows. It is large enough and you can feel some of these movements.Your baby has reached the size of a small apple or orange. Bones are becoming longer and, although looking like a real baby, it's skin is still thin and transparent, so her veins can be seen. The hair called LANUGO is beginnings to grow. They are growing up until the 28 week pregnant.
How big is the baby?
As we said, your baby is the size of an apple or orange, it is long from 4 to 5 inches and weighs between 0,17 and 0,22 pounds.
Frequently Asked Questions in Pregnancy
I'm 15 week pregnant and I am feeling pain in my stomach. What is happening?
* Many women can experience pain in the lower abdomen or in the groin during the second trimester, The pain is sudden and may be acute. It is a pain that is called Round Ligament Pain. The round ligaments are muscles that are holding uterus in the abdominal cavity. As the uterus grows, these ligaments are stretching; this stretching occasionally cause pain. It is often located at the right side of the uterus. This pain can wake you at night when you are changing sides, when you enter the car or going out of it, or even when trying to sit.
What you can do:
- warmed your stomach
- Turn on the other side
- Drink paracetamol ( if your doctor allows)
- carefully change positions.
It is important to see a doctor to make sure that this is the right cause of pain, and not something else, that can be serious. Round ligament pain passes quickly. Other causes of pain in the abdominal cavity during pregnancy include appendicitis, pain due to gases, ovarian cysts, presence of sand in the kidney or bladder infection. If you have fever, chills, nausea, pain when urinating or difficulty in walking, call your doctor.
Multiple pregnancy
One thing is certain: you will not wait in line long, you will always have advantage and all thanks to two babies as your belly in the sixth month of pregnancy will look like you're in the eighth or even ninth. Another advantage of multiple pregnancy is that the guilty for your obliviousness and clumsiness can be due the increased crowd in your womb.
Absent-mindedness and obliviousness are usual during pregnancy: you do not know where you left the keys, you can not think of a certain word or phone number. Obliviousness can be as a reminder that you need to rest.
So stop and breathe deeply. You might have to many obligations or you are thinking to much. An way, resting can not harm you.
And do not worry, with you, everything is fine! Your body simply works harder, as well as your brain to. And when babies come, your body and brain will continue to work this way, so do not be surprised if obliviousness continue, even in the coming year or two. You'll have two beautiful creatures that you will be able to blame.
Absent-mindedness and obliviousness are usual during pregnancy: you do not know where you left the keys, you can not think of a certain word or phone number. Obliviousness can be as a reminder that you need to rest.
So stop and breathe deeply. You might have to many obligations or you are thinking to much. An way, resting can not harm you.
And do not worry, with you, everything is fine! Your body simply works harder, as well as your brain to. And when babies come, your body and brain will continue to work this way, so do not be surprised if obliviousness continue, even in the coming year or two. You'll have two beautiful creatures that you will be able to blame.
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