Author: V.Comagic, Text:, Image:
Did you already felt "bubbles in the stomach,"? Do you now that this ‘bubbles’ are the movement of the baby?
For some future mom, this moment when you start to feel the baby, especially if carring first child, will happen in the next few weeks. Anyway, untile the 22th week, you'll certainly feel even a small movement of the baby. From then, it will be more active and restless.
This week symptoms are mild, you feel like you still have enough energy and libido is probably slightly higher.
Food and pounds: Problems with nausea are finished and your appetite is strong. You might want to eat greasy or salty or even sweet foods but try not to overdo it. Ask doctor for advice, what is best for you to eat during this period so the excess weight would not cause a problem after delivery. Most women up until this week gain 6 to 13 pounds, but there are variations, some guine less and some more weight especially if you are carring twins. The uterus is the size of a small melon.
Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are also normal at this stage of pregnancy. Write down all the important things and make a schedule of obligations. It is very possible that you will forget the things, but it will be present until the end of pregnancy. This phenomenon is called - pregnancy brain. Another symptom of pregnancy in this week is dizziness which could occur due to a lower pressure or anemia, especially when you stend up suddenly. Also, back pain is a problem that affects a large number of pregnant women in this period. Back painis developing due to the greater weight, shifting of the center of gravity and the stress of the back muscles. Try to reduce this pain by massage or compresses in consultation with the doctor.
Risk assessmentDoctors generally think at these genetic tests as a risk assessment, that is, they help them to determine whether your baby is at increased risk for certain genetic disorders. Positive result does not mean that the baby will have some problems, but to make sure of that, you'll probably have to do more tests.
Non-invasive testsDoctors primarily do the safest, minimal invasive test in order to determine whether the baby has some genetic disorders. Primarily blood analysis, because it is not at all dangerous for the fetus.
Triple test, is used to detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, especially those which are related to Down's syndrome. As the name says this test consists of three things (alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and estriol free) taken from blood of pregnant woman. The values are compared with computer software according to the age of pregnant woman, certain ultrasound measurements of the fetus and several other parameters, and result is showing the degree of probability of the existence of chromosomal defects. With that result the exact diagnosis cannot be given. It only serves as a method for the determination of those pregnant women who need further analysis. This test does not pose any risk to your pregnancy.
Cystic Fibrosis Blood sample also serves to preforme the test for cystic fibrosis (CF). Blood analyses will determine if you are a carrier of CF. If Yes, your partner will be tested too. When it comes to recessive disorders, both you and your partner are carriers of risks for your unborn baby. If both parents are carriers, the baby has the chances 1:4 to get this disease.
Invasive tests
If get positive results on nonivasive tests (NOTE: this does not mean that your baby has a disorder, but it may be in risk category!!!), the gynecologist will sugest additional tests to get a final answer. It should be noted that this analysis have some risk and that there is a risk of miscarriage.
Amniocentesis: This procedure is performed between the 16th to 18th week of pregnancy. It takes about ten minutes and is performed under ultrasound control. The doctor inserts a needle through the abdominal wall into the uterus and takes a little of amniotic fluid. In it there are baby's cells which are further examined for chromosomal abnormalities.
Chorionic villus sampling (CVT): This procedure, also, uses ultrasound to monitor the movement of the needle. The tissue of placenta is taken in this method, which is sent for laboratory analysis to count the baby's chromosomes. Both of these procedures are not completely safe adn have some risk, and for that reason are not sugested to every woman. The procedure itself is not painful, although some women find them to be unpleasant. A day or two after the procedure you are advised to rest and, if possible, avoid activities that include lifting things, bending or stretching. You can feel the discomfort, in the lower part of abdomen but that lasts a day or two. It is quite normal, and the problems can be mitigated by paracetamol.
Ultrasound: Between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed in order to check if the baby is developing normally, if there is no congenital deformities. the Umbilical cord an placenta are also checked. Ultrasound examination during this period is a real pleasure because the size of the baby is already big enough that all can be seen clearly, has all formed organs and facial features. Sex of the baby during this period can be determine if you haven't yet. Baby's genitals are foermed and it is clear if it is a boy or a girl. However, there is a possibility that the baby's position is such that doctor can not find out the child's sex and you will need to wait for a few more weeks.
The baby's heart is already developed enough for ultrasound test to show whether there are any abnormalities. Most babies luckily - do not have them.
The baby's lungs continue to develop, and, from this week till the 28th week of pregnancy, each of the two bronchi will branch off to the smaller bronchioles.
Baby Size: When 18 weeks pregnant, the baby's average lenght is 5 1/2 inches and weighs around 7 ounces.
Earlier, the placenta was bigger than the baby but no more. Placenta continues to grow, but the baby will grow faster and be bigger in relation to the placenta.
Contractions and pains in the stomach: With each week of pregnancy the risk of miscarriage is lower, but if you experience severe pain in the belly, lower back, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding, see your doctor immediately!
There is phytoestrogen in soy, products and drinks from soybeans, flaxseeds and sesame seeds. Some studies made the hypothesis of a link between a diet rich in these substances and the frequency of developing hypospadiasis, anomaly in which the opening of the urethra is not at the top of the penis, . It was noted that it affects those babies whose mothers consumed more phytoestrogens because of a vegetarian diet. How does this information affect your pregnancy? Experts sugest that we keep those old advice and all that you eat, eat moderately. Therefore, diet should be varied and balanced. That means you need to consume fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and fats.

For some future mom, this moment when you start to feel the baby, especially if carring first child, will happen in the next few weeks. Anyway, untile the 22th week, you'll certainly feel even a small movement of the baby. From then, it will be more active and restless.
What happens with your body
Many of you will have problems with sleeping at this time. The stomach is already grown enough to be difficult to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.This week symptoms are mild, you feel like you still have enough energy and libido is probably slightly higher.
Food and pounds: Problems with nausea are finished and your appetite is strong. You might want to eat greasy or salty or even sweet foods but try not to overdo it. Ask doctor for advice, what is best for you to eat during this period so the excess weight would not cause a problem after delivery. Most women up until this week gain 6 to 13 pounds, but there are variations, some guine less and some more weight especially if you are carring twins. The uterus is the size of a small melon.
Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are also normal at this stage of pregnancy. Write down all the important things and make a schedule of obligations. It is very possible that you will forget the things, but it will be present until the end of pregnancy. This phenomenon is called - pregnancy brain. Another symptom of pregnancy in this week is dizziness which could occur due to a lower pressure or anemia, especially when you stend up suddenly. Also, back pain is a problem that affects a large number of pregnant women in this period. Back painis developing due to the greater weight, shifting of the center of gravity and the stress of the back muscles. Try to reduce this pain by massage or compresses in consultation with the doctor.
Analysis in pregnancy
Between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, your gynecologist will propose a series of tests to determine whether your future baby is healthy or maybe have some genetic problems. These tests are not required. Before you decide on any of them, it is essential that you know what they mean.Risk assessmentDoctors generally think at these genetic tests as a risk assessment, that is, they help them to determine whether your baby is at increased risk for certain genetic disorders. Positive result does not mean that the baby will have some problems, but to make sure of that, you'll probably have to do more tests.
Non-invasive testsDoctors primarily do the safest, minimal invasive test in order to determine whether the baby has some genetic disorders. Primarily blood analysis, because it is not at all dangerous for the fetus.
Triple test, is used to detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, especially those which are related to Down's syndrome. As the name says this test consists of three things (alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and estriol free) taken from blood of pregnant woman. The values are compared with computer software according to the age of pregnant woman, certain ultrasound measurements of the fetus and several other parameters, and result is showing the degree of probability of the existence of chromosomal defects. With that result the exact diagnosis cannot be given. It only serves as a method for the determination of those pregnant women who need further analysis. This test does not pose any risk to your pregnancy.
Cystic Fibrosis Blood sample also serves to preforme the test for cystic fibrosis (CF). Blood analyses will determine if you are a carrier of CF. If Yes, your partner will be tested too. When it comes to recessive disorders, both you and your partner are carriers of risks for your unborn baby. If both parents are carriers, the baby has the chances 1:4 to get this disease.
Invasive tests
If get positive results on nonivasive tests (NOTE: this does not mean that your baby has a disorder, but it may be in risk category!!!), the gynecologist will sugest additional tests to get a final answer. It should be noted that this analysis have some risk and that there is a risk of miscarriage.
Amniocentesis: This procedure is performed between the 16th to 18th week of pregnancy. It takes about ten minutes and is performed under ultrasound control. The doctor inserts a needle through the abdominal wall into the uterus and takes a little of amniotic fluid. In it there are baby's cells which are further examined for chromosomal abnormalities.
Chorionic villus sampling (CVT): This procedure, also, uses ultrasound to monitor the movement of the needle. The tissue of placenta is taken in this method, which is sent for laboratory analysis to count the baby's chromosomes. Both of these procedures are not completely safe adn have some risk, and for that reason are not sugested to every woman. The procedure itself is not painful, although some women find them to be unpleasant. A day or two after the procedure you are advised to rest and, if possible, avoid activities that include lifting things, bending or stretching. You can feel the discomfort, in the lower part of abdomen but that lasts a day or two. It is quite normal, and the problems can be mitigated by paracetamol.
All About Your Baby
During this period, a baby's ears are already developed and now he/she can hear. Baby can react to some sounds and become more active and you will feel more pronounced movements. So start talking with your baby, play her soft music - some recommend classic. The iner ear is still developing up until the end of the second trimestar.Ultrasound: Between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed in order to check if the baby is developing normally, if there is no congenital deformities. the Umbilical cord an placenta are also checked. Ultrasound examination during this period is a real pleasure because the size of the baby is already big enough that all can be seen clearly, has all formed organs and facial features. Sex of the baby during this period can be determine if you haven't yet. Baby's genitals are foermed and it is clear if it is a boy or a girl. However, there is a possibility that the baby's position is such that doctor can not find out the child's sex and you will need to wait for a few more weeks.
The baby's heart is already developed enough for ultrasound test to show whether there are any abnormalities. Most babies luckily - do not have them.
The baby's lungs continue to develop, and, from this week till the 28th week of pregnancy, each of the two bronchi will branch off to the smaller bronchioles.
Baby Size: When 18 weeks pregnant, the baby's average lenght is 5 1/2 inches and weighs around 7 ounces.
Earlier, the placenta was bigger than the baby but no more. Placenta continues to grow, but the baby will grow faster and be bigger in relation to the placenta.
Contractions and pains in the stomach: With each week of pregnancy the risk of miscarriage is lower, but if you experience severe pain in the belly, lower back, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding, see your doctor immediately!
Frequently asked questions about pregnancy
The press writes a lot about the so-called phytoestrogens, herbal substances in food, which can have the effect of estrogen. How dangerous are they?There is phytoestrogen in soy, products and drinks from soybeans, flaxseeds and sesame seeds. Some studies made the hypothesis of a link between a diet rich in these substances and the frequency of developing hypospadiasis, anomaly in which the opening of the urethra is not at the top of the penis, . It was noted that it affects those babies whose mothers consumed more phytoestrogens because of a vegetarian diet. How does this information affect your pregnancy? Experts sugest that we keep those old advice and all that you eat, eat moderately. Therefore, diet should be varied and balanced. That means you need to consume fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and fats.
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