9 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy hormones spread through your whole body and they generate many changes. Your body is changing. In the morning you feel sick, you have to go to the bathroom all the time and you are terribly tired. The cause? Hormones!

What happens to your body

Morning sickness attracts all the attention, but fatigue is actually the first real sign that you are pregnant. Your body is going through rapid changes so it could follow the baby who is continually growing. These changes affect your energy. You're exhausted both physically and mentally.

The first signs of fatigue

Women often feel fatigue before they notice that their period has missed. Give your body rest: reduce physical activities and intensive exercises in the gym. Swimming or yoga would be pleasant for you, among other things because they are reducing stress. Make a rule to take a nap during the day as you will relax both body and soul as you are concerning about numerous questions and worries related to motherhood.

Thinking about the baby causes happiness, but also increases the stress. Therefore, you may sleep less at night. Women overcome this state in different ways. Talking with your partner or loved ones will surely calm you down. In the evening before going to bed, you can enjoy a warm bath, but make sure that the water is not too hot.

All about your baby

Your baby is growing rapidly. Her face looks more like a newborn's face: eyes are developed, but are still hidden, nose, mouth and ears are more pronounced. It is beginning to exercise its muscles. She/he is moving, but is still too small for to you to feel. The reproductive organs are developing, but if you could peek in her womb, you could not tell whether it is a girl or a boy. At this early stage the doctor can not answer this question.

How big is the baby?

Your baby is long and a little over one inch and weighs about three grams.

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy

You breasts are changing. They are larger and painful to the touch. What's going on? Hormones are responsible. Most of the women mentione sore and swollen breasts as the first signs of pregnancy.
Frequently asked questions about pregnancy

Here's what you can expect:

Sensitivity to touch: the reason is increased secretion of hormones. That feeling of discomfort will gradually disappear before the end of the first trimester. Special bra for pregnant women will reduce this discomfort.
The nipples become darker and bigger. Scientists assume that darker nipples and circle around them serve so your baby can catch sight of the breast. You will notice small bumps in a circle around the nipple; These are called Montgomery's bumps, which secrete an oily liquid for nipple to become soft and elastic and to protect the skin from infection.
Breasts are inevitably increasing: some women wear for one to two numbers larger bra. Scientists have calculated that almost two kilograms of  your total increased weigh is in breasts.
Secretion of colostrum: colostrum, yellow or golden color milk, is the first food that your baby receives after birth. It is  beginning to form in breasts at this early stage of pregnancy. It is rich in nutrients and immunoglobulin, which protects the baby against infection and disease. If you secret colostrum, do not worry. Gently wash and dry the nipples with towel. Colostrum can occure at this early stage in some women, and it is not an indicator of your ability to produce milk.
Pronounced veins on breasts: the reason is incresed blood flow to the breast.
Stretch marks and / or itching: Since you are breast are increasing, the skin is stretched, so you can feel itching or get stretch marks. Against stretch marks creams and oils can help. Will you get stretch marks or not, depends on your skin and genetics.

<=== 8. week                          10. week ===>

Text: blic.rs
Translator: V. Comagic
Image: babycenter.com
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