Anxious people are constantly in a state of "standby", constantly on the alert, thinking that there is some kind of danger preparing. For such people the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is activated more easily than in other people, so it is no wonder that some sudden sounds frightened anxious people, as it causes a number of different symptoms (rapid heart rate, sweating, etc.).
Anxiety is nothing but resistance to stream of life. People who have anxiety have a false belief that life is dangerous, and that they should be protected from some danger (which does not exist), they need to protect themselves physically (preparing to fight - anxiety which leads to bunch of physical symptoms) or to emotionally withdraw (depression that leads to sadness, emptiness, etc.). Life is not dangerous, life is good and beautiful.

Anxiety and panic attacks are the result of piled, accumulated stress in an individual's life. It is, therefore, important that during working on it the most important thing is to avoid stressful situations. During the period of extreme stress, the mind wants to deal and cope with that stress, and possible physical and psychological consequences come later when the "storm calms down."
Therefore, it is important to remain calm and peaceful at all times. If you make a habit of it, the easier and calmer you will cope with stressful situations in the future. When we are calm, our confidence is growing and this it is only possible when you are calm and strong. It is not at all unexpected that your confidence will suddenly fall down when you have panic attacks. Working on raising self-esteem is priceless.
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