The real cause of cramps is not known, but there are several unproven theories about the causes of cramps:
- The baby does not tolerate milk (breast-fed babies have cramps as well as a baby on artificial diet)
- Intestinal tract is not sufficiently developed and spasms occur(contractions of intestine)
- There is a temporary hormonal imbalance
- Baby is voraciously and fast sucking, swalows the air that stretches intestine and causes bloating
- Newborn has a fierce temper, often hypertonic baby is cring and is upset.
- The baby's nervous system is too sensitive to the outside world and gets too much stimulation.
When cramps appear ?
Two to three weeks after birth, periods of anxiety are appearing. They can last up to third but no later than the fourth month after birth. They occur usually between feedings in the afternoon.
How do I know if my baby is crying because of cramps?
The baby cries a lot, turns red in the face, nervously moves his arms and legs and is suffering from spasms. There is characteristic movement of the abdomen, legs, baby clenches his fists and enhances activity. Crying, which is sometimes completely inconsolable, can last for hours.
What can I do if my baby has cramps?
The most important thing is that parents carry the baby to pediatrician to determine if there are any medical reasons for such crying (inflammation of the middle ear or stuffy nose).
If your baby is healthy and not hungry, thirsty or wet - than it is cramps. The most important thing for you is to understand that this is relatively common condition which does not leave any consequences. Now you need to encourage yourself, to keep a cool headed and without panic, patiently wait the end of a terrible period in your life called "cramps"
- Take the baby into your arms, gently swing or wear her around the house.
- Wrap the baby in a blanket in order for her to feel more comfortable and gently swing her in a stroller or in cradle.
- You can cary your baby in currier tightly squeezed on your chest. Babies love to feel the pounding of mom's heart and this calms them.
- Some babies can calm while driving in the car.
- Massage her tummy, previously coated with warm baby oil.
- Put preheated diaper on baby's stomach and gently massage the painful tummy.
- Give your baby a herbal tea made from fennel and caraway, which relieves pain from cramps (decomposes gases).
- Give your baby soothing syrup that is made at the pharmacy. Only by pediatrician prescription and in the most severe cases.
- Sing calming songs, but quietly next to her ear. Baby maight be interested in a song and will stop crying so she could hear.
- Revise your diet if you are breast-feeding a baby. Avoid food that makes you gassy (peas, beans, cabbage) reduce your intake of carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate, pepper, hot pepper, chilli and other strong spices.
- Leave her alone in bed in a quiet room, with a quiet and calming music (Mozart, Beethoven), perhaps after a few minutes of crying baby would calm down.
There will be no complications. Babies who had cramps will be equally happy, smart, developed as babies who did not have cramps. Babies with cramps, despite the crying that lasts for hours, perfectly grow and look healthy, gaining body weight and grow in length.
Text: bebac.com
Translator: MD Vladimir Comagic
Image:courtesy of David Castillo Dominic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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