Tingling in hands and feet is very common and quite boring and unpleasant . If you've ever wondered why your arms are numb, what does it means and how to get ride of it, YOU COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!!
In most cases, tingling in hands and feet is harmless and benign, caused by pressure on the nerves if your hand is in the uncomfortable position while sleeping or if you hold legs crossed for too long. In both cases, this feeling is painless and it passes quickly.There are cases of severe, episodic and chronic numbness of extremities.If tingling is accompanied by symptoms such as itching, pain, numbness and loss of muscle mass that may be a sign of nerve damage due to injury, bacterial or viral infections, exposure to toxins and systemic diseases such as diabetes.

It is very important for you that the diagnosis is made in time. Therefore it is necessary to visit a doctor if your hands and feet are often geting numb without an obvious reason. The sooner you react, the potential for lasting consequences is minor.
The most common reasons for tingling in hands and feet
Diabetes is one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy. In this is the cause, numbness is first occuring in both feets, then the unpleasant feeling is spreading through the entire leg. There is the same feeling in hands along with other symptoms. As much as two-thirds of people with diabetes have medium to serious nerve demage, and in many cases this is the FIRST SYMPTOM OF DIABETES.
The syndrome of entrapment nerve. Any entrapment of nerves may lead to tingeling in the limbs. These include carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as the paralysis of peroneal and radial nerve.
Systemic diseases. These include kidney disease, liver disease, blood disorders and vascular damage, amyloidosis, damage of connective tissue, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalance as well as benign and malignant tumors, which can press the nerves.
Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins C, B1, B6, B12 and niacin are essential for healthy function of nerves. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia which may be a cause of peripheral neuropathy. Also, excess vitamin B6 in the body can lead numbness of your feet and hands.
Alcoholism. In alcoholics we often see lack of Thiamine (B1) and other vitamins mainly due to poor and unhealthy diet and this can be one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy.
Toxins. This includes heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and thallium as well as chemicals that are found in industrial environments. Also cause for tingling can be certain medications, chemotherapy, drugs against lung cancer, antiviral drugs and antibiotics.
The syndrome of entrapment nerve. Any entrapment of nerves may lead to tingeling in the limbs. These include carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as the paralysis of peroneal and radial nerve.
Systemic diseases. These include kidney disease, liver disease, blood disorders and vascular damage, amyloidosis, damage of connective tissue, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalance as well as benign and malignant tumors, which can press the nerves.
Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins C, B1, B6, B12 and niacin are essential for healthy function of nerves. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia which may be a cause of peripheral neuropathy. Also, excess vitamin B6 in the body can lead numbness of your feet and hands.
Alcoholism. In alcoholics we often see lack of Thiamine (B1) and other vitamins mainly due to poor and unhealthy diet and this can be one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy.
Toxins. This includes heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and thallium as well as chemicals that are found in industrial environments. Also cause for tingling can be certain medications, chemotherapy, drugs against lung cancer, antiviral drugs and antibiotics.
Infections. Lyme disease, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Bar syndrome, herpes simplex.
Autoimmune diseases. Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Physical injuries can lead to the compression of nerves.
If tingling and numbness in your hands and feet are often repeated followed with some aditional symptoms contact your doctor and will do all the necessary tasts in order to make the correct diagnosis!!!
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