13 weeks Pregnant - New Trimester!

Author: V.Comagic, Text: blic.rs, Image: babycenter.com

The risky period of pregnancy is over. If you still have not told anyone the good news, now is the time.
Morning sickness should begin to weaken, and the risk of miscarriage is much lower. If you have an older child, it is the right moment to say the good news.

What happens to your body

It's time to celebrate. You have endured the first trimester. Discomfort and pain are slowly disappearing. You may have noticed that instead of feeling nausea you feel hunger - the famous desire for certain foods begins right now. Since you uterus is expanding, you might start to have heartburn, indigestion, bloating and gases.
For most women the second trimester of pregnancy provides the most satisfaction, since problems such as nausea is replaces by the now visible cute tummy and enviably radiant complexion peculiar to pregnant women.

Why you feel so good

Nausea is disappearing: Even though some woman have nausea in the second trimester, too, your torments are probably near the end. Why? Your body is getting used to the elevated levels of hormones and now is focused only to the future development of the healthy baby.
Increased apatite: now that morning sickness is gone you are free to enjoy the food yet again. You will notice that your appetite is increasing as the baby is getting bigger. Eat ice cream and pickles as much as you want!
Belly is getting bigger:Your body changes completely so the baby can comfortably settl in your uterus. The internal organs are moving to make room for enlarged uterus, and the skin is stretching so the belly could grow. Finally you feel like a pregnant women and you look just one, too! For most women, it's a relief. People are standing up for you to sit in the bus, holding doors or just politely smiling while they are leting you pass them at the cash register or in the bank.
Reduced breast sensitivity:  In the first trimester, your breasts are increasing rapidly, because of which you felt discomfort to the touch and swelling. In the second trimester, you will probably not need to buy a bigger bra, although your breasts will still grow. Your breasts can excrete milk at this period, this is the first milk called colostrum, because the breasts are preparing for breastfeeding.
Although some pregnancy symptoms disappear over time, others still continue to follow your. You still often go to the toilet, because the baby is growing and putting pressure on bladder. You will still feel tired- unfortunately, it is a constant symptom of pregnancy. Try to get plenty of rest. as  your stomach is still small and you can sleep normally.You will need it.

All about your baby

Thirteenth Week is certainly important for the development of the baby. It is no longer an embryo, but fetus. As each day passes it is becoming more like a real baby. If you could see it, you'd  probably  think that is asleep since eyelids are formed, and currently closed, but her arms and legs are constantly moving and twitching ( you probably can not feel it). Your baby is sometimes even sucking his finger.

What is the baby?

Your baby is about the size of a small lemon : 3 inch long and weighs about one ounces.

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy

Almost universally is: "Can I heart the baby during sex?" The answer is Do not worry!!! Baby is safe: it is well protected by a wall of the uterus and amniotic fluid. At the entrance to the uterus there is cervix, which is also closed with mucous plug. Many women in the early stages of pregnancy do not feel the need for sex due to fatigue, morning sickness and hypersensitive breasts. Now you can compensate all the lost time.

There are a few reasons why doctor does not recommend sex for some women. These are:

  • When placenta covers the cervix.
  • If you have had a premature birth before
  • If you have tend to vaginal bleeding 
  • Multiple pregnancies (moms who carry twins are prone to premature birth).
  • Problems with an open cervix.
  • Leakage of Amniotic fluide

Multiple pregnancies

Just because you expecting twins or triplets it does not mean that you should eat for two or three. It is recommended that women who is expecting a baby to gain 44 - 48 pounds. However, the pace of getting pounds is even more significant. While mom with one baby gain weight as they are getting towards the end of pregnancy, the mother of twins should gain weight in the first trimester to carry out larger babies and contributed to a corresponding growth of the placenta. That's why you are recommend smaller portions, but throughout the whole day. If you eat smaller portions every few hours, you will have proper level of sugar in the blood. Women who carry twins should intake between 2,700 and 3,000 calories per day. 
Your doctor will help you to assemble the appropriate menu that meets your specific needs. Try to limit your sugar intake. Instead of candy or chips, eat fresh fruit and vegetables, which you should always have at hand. And finally, get plenty of water. An adequate amount of water reduces swelling, supplies the amniotic fluid and provides cells with enough fluids. Adequate hydration prevents premature contractions. Therefore, it is important to always have a bottle of water with you and drink eight to ten glasses of water a day.

<=== 12. week                          14. week ===>

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